Custom Guitar Cables – Why you SHOULD get custom cables made? Introduction When it comes to guitar gear, nothing gets overlooked more than the guitar cable. A simple piece of gear that everyone has and uses, however, are they all the same? I recently went to the British boutique Guitar
Joining a Band – 9 things to expect in your first band
Joining a Band – 9 things to expect in your first band! Introduction So you have been playing the guitar for a bit now and you join your first band. This is great news! Playing with other people in a band is so much fun and everyone who plays an
British Boutique Guitar Festival: My Experience of the Weekend!
British Boutique Guitar Festival: My Experience of the Weekend! Introduction Last weekend I went to the British Boutique Guitar Festival, hosted by the lovely Mike from CGS. The show was a display of British builders of guitars, amps and pedals and everything in between. I hung around and spoke to