

Kemper’s New update – A step in the wrong Direction?

Introduction I wanted to talk about the new Kemper update they’ve recently released! Before we dive in, I should mention that I don’t own any Kemper products. However, I do own a lot of gear similar to what Kemper offers. So, I wanted to share my thoughts on this recent

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Beginner Guitar Accessories – What gear is best for Beginners?

Introduction This is our final instalment of the “Beginner Guitar” series! This time, we’re covering beginner guitar accessories—small items that can help you improve your playing, explore new sounds and tones, and keep the experience fun and exciting! Guitar can become boring when it feels repetitive, so some of these

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Beginner Guitar Pedals – What Guitar Pedal is best for Beginners?

Introduction It’s time for another article recommending beginner gear! This time, we’re focusing on beginner guitar pedals. What pedals should you consider buying, and why? Guitar pedals can enhance your playing experience in various ways! While they won’t make you a better player directly, they can help you get creative,

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Best Beginner Guitar Amps – What Guitar Amp is best for Beginners?

Introduction Welcome to another beginner gear guide! This time, we’re diving into the best beginner guitar amps. Which guitar amp is best for beginners? What amp should you consider if you’re just starting out and looking for something versatile enough for practice and gigs? Our recommendations range in function, price,

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