Introduction Building a pedalboard is incredibly fun! You get to assemble all the pieces and customize it to make it truly your own. However, there are a few common mistakes I often see beginners make. So, I’ve put together a quick guide of our top 5 pedalboard mistakes and show
Why I hate guitar gear that requires software! – I don’t want anymore apps!
Introduction Time for another rant post! (If you haven’t seen our last one, you can check it out here.) We’ve got something else bugging us, so we thought it was time for another rant article! This time, it’s about something I’m seeing more and more: guitar gear that requires software
Who needs a Modeller! – Want a lightweight rig? Have we got the solution!
Introduction I have played and gigged using tube amps, digital amps, modellers, and even a hybrid of each! My current setup consists of a tube amp, a handful of pedals, and a load box with a cab sim to run directly into the front of house, which I use with
Kemper’s New update – A step in the wrong Direction?
Introduction I wanted to talk about the new Kemper update they’ve recently released! Before we dive in, I should mention that I don’t own any Kemper products. However, I do own a lot of gear similar to what Kemper offers. So, I wanted to share my thoughts on this recent
I am starting to HATE Bluetooth Products! – Quickest way to waste money!
Introduction It’s time for a rant! I am a big fan of music and music gear, and I’ve been noticing a trend that has now crossed over into the guitar scene. At first, it didn’t bother me, but now it infuriates me more than it probably should! I’m talking about
The Gibson Les Paul Studio Thoughts: The New release is ALMOST perfect,
Introduction As you all may or may not have seen, Gibson has released a new Les Paul Studio! I’ve always been a big fan of the Les Paul Studio—a stripped-down, simple guitar bearing the iconic Gibson logo. It offered an affordable price while still being a professional and gig-worthy axe.
Beginner Guitar Accessories – What gear is best for Beginners?
Introduction This is our final instalment of the “Beginner Guitar” series! This time, we’re covering beginner guitar accessories—small items that can help you improve your playing, explore new sounds and tones, and keep the experience fun and exciting! Guitar can become boring when it feels repetitive, so some of these
COMPETITION TIME! – Win a Thorpy Heavy Water Boost Pedal!
It’s competition time! We are giving one of you the lucky chance to win an incredible prize! We are giving away one of our favorite pedals from the amazing guys over at Thorpy FX, the Heavy Water! Want to win a Thorpy Heavy Water? Well, this is your chance! We
Franklyn Guitars “Skybeam Juno” Review – One Pickup is just Perfect!
Introduction Time for another guitar review—this time, it’s the Franklyn Skybeam Juno Guitar! A single-pickup machine from the folks at Franklyn Guitars, this S-Type guitar features a single pickup and a single volume control. However, don’t be fooled—this is far from a one-trick pony! Let’s dive into the guitar’s specs,
Beginner Guitar Pedals – What Guitar Pedal is best for Beginners?
Introduction It’s time for another article recommending beginner gear! This time, we’re focusing on beginner guitar pedals. What pedals should you consider buying, and why? Guitar pedals can enhance your playing experience in various ways! While they won’t make you a better player directly, they can help you get creative,