Best Beginner Guitar Amps – What Guitar Amp is best for Beginners?

Introduction Welcome to another beginner gear guide! This time, we’re diving into the best beginner guitar amps. Which guitar amp is best for beginners? What amp should you consider if you’re just starting out and looking for something versatile enough for practice and gigs? Our recommendations range in function, price,

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Nobels ODR-1 Review – The most loved underrated pedal 

Introduction Think of a famous green overdrive pedal. Are you thinking of the Ibanez Tube Screamer? Well, honestly, most people would! However, there is another massively popular green overdrive pedal—the Nobels ODR-1! Look at any session guitar player in Nashville, and they will likely be using the ODR-1. We have

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I’m Playing Naked! – How it helped improve my playing and tone!

Introduction I’ve recently been trying something different: playing “naked”! Of course, I don’t mean without clothes—sorry if you pictured that! I mean using minimal effects and pedals. I tried using as little gear as possible to achieve the sound I wanted. After a few weeks of this experiment, I’ve learned

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