

If you have ever wondered what brands we have worked with for this site, below is a full list of the brands that we have worked with on various articles, videos and projects. We work with brands for various articles ranging from build articles, experiences, interviews and of course reviews!

How does it Work with Brands?

When we say “work with these brands”, this could be in a various way. The main ones are either they have loaned us a product to review. So we receive the product, review it and send it back. We also do deals where people send us products and we review them but we keep the products. There are a few that we get discount on, buy the product then review it. The last one is we get paid to review a product from a company. However, none of these affects our reviews and thoughts!

Want us to review your brands product?

If you are looking to work with us on an article or a review, or just have an idea for something floating around, then please get in touch over on our contact page, Or you can contact us over on our Instagram. We would love to hear from you and see if we can work with you and your product in some way!

Vintage Guitars Logo

Worldwide Guitar Company

UK Pedal Builder

Sigma Guitars

Guitar Manufacture Specialising in Acoustics

Two Notes

DI, Attenuator and Load box manufactures

String Joy

US Based Guitar string manufacture

Strings Direct

UK based Guitar string Supplier


Software plugins and Instruments

LT Custom Guitar

UK Based Custom Guitar builder!

UK Based Pedal builder!

Alchemy Pickups

Pickup Designer and Maker based in the uk

Munson Guitars

UK Based Custom Guitar builder!

Rombo Guitar Picks

German based Guitar pick builder

JSA Effects

UK Based Guitar effect pedal builder!

Bleak District Electric

Guitar effect pedal builder based in the uk!

Brelliott Amps

Pedal and Amp Builder based in the UK

Franklyn Guitars Logo

A UK Based Guitar builder!

Axe Custom Cables

UK based Cable Manufacture

Bispell Audio

UK Based Guitar effect pedal builder!

Fuzz Imp

US Based Guitar effect pedal builder!

Baby Audio

Audio Software and Plugin Company

Blank Brand Logo
OKS Guitar Picks

Custom Guitar pick Manufacture

Horrothia Guitar Pedals

UK Based Guitar effect pedal builder!

Blank Brand Logo


JSA Harmonic Tremolo Review – It has the Wobble, it has the Vibe!

Introduction We have another incredible pedal from JSA Pedals—the JSA Harmonic Trem! This hand-built harmonic tremolo is an absolute gem. As you might have guessed, I’ve been diving deep into tremolo effects lately, especially harmonic tremolo. We also love working with JSA Pedals, so when I found out they had

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