Tube vs Digital – Why Digital might be the way to go!
You could argue this is one of the biggest debates in the guitar world: Digital vs. Tube—the great battle! As someone who regularly uses both types of amps, I feel I have a balanced perspective on the subject. That’s why I decided to put together this article to share some key insights. But we’re doing things a little differently. Instead of focusing on sound (since sound is highly subjective and everyone has their own preferences), we’re diving into other important factors that matter in this debate.
In this article, we’re focusing on why digital amps might be the better choice. (For a fair look at both sides, stay tuned for our upcoming article on the benefits of tube amps.) Here, we’ll discuss the advantages digital amps have over tube or analog amps. So, let’s dive right into it with our first reason—one of the many that make digital amps so popular!
Weight & Size
This is why 80% of people go do digital gear at some point! Weight and/or size! Tube amps are heavy and have a minimum size (Due to the size of tubes). However, Digital contains circuit boards which don’t weight or take up much space!
Need an example? If you were in a band and were doing Function gigs you want to be able to carry your gear easily and set up quickly! Having lightweight and small equipment will make set up efficient! Also, smaller gear (doesn’t matter if you have gone for a small digital combo or a floor modeller) will mean you take up less space on the stage, which is a big thing in a function band!
Running Temps
If you plan to use your amp mainly in a small room, a digital amp might be the way to go! Digital amps generally operate at much lower temperatures than traditional analog amps. Running tube amps for extended periods can make them very warm, heating up the surrounding air and room. In spaces with limited ventilation, this can create an uncomfortable environment. With a digital amp, you won’t face this issue—most digital amps stay cool to the touch and won’t heat up your room.
This problem is even more noticeable when rehearsing in a small room, especially if you have both a guitar amp and a bass amp expelling heat into the space. The room can quickly become uncomfortably hot. So, if staying cool is a priority, digital is definitely the way to go!
"Digital amps generally tend to be more affordable than tube or analog amps. So, if you’re looking for a gig-ready amp at a budget-friendly price, a digital amp is likely your best option"
Little Servicing & Robust
Looking for a “set it and forget it” amp? Something you can buy and not worry about? Then a digital amp might be perfect for you! Digital amps require little to no servicing and rarely have issues, making them ideal for players who want low-maintenance gear. They’re especially great for touring musicians or heavy gigging since most digital amps are built to withstand the rigors of frequent load-ins and load-outs, withstanding bumps and knocks with ease.
There is a downside, though, which we’ll cover in our next article: while digital amps don’t often break down, when they do, they can be challenging to repair. Stay tuned for more on that!
For many players, price is a huge factor! When everything is considered, one of the first questions people ask is: which option is cheaper? Digital amps generally tend to be more affordable than tube or analog amps. So, if you’re looking for a gig-ready amp at a budget-friendly price, a digital amp is likely your best option. That said, it’s still important to weigh quality and sound when making your choice, but overall, digital amps offer more affordability than their tube counterparts.
Take the Boss Katana, for example—a massive success for Boss. Its popularity comes from its impressive sound quality and solid build, but its accessible price point made it a standout choice. Affordable and easy to find, the Katana has become a staple, even popping up in backlines everywhere! Robust, versatile, and delivering great sound—all at a low cost.
Volume & Headroom
We’re all after volume and headroom! We want amps that are loud but still light and portable. Small combos that are gig-ready and loud enough not to need mic’ing are ideal. With digital amps, achieving this balance is much easier, as many feature Class D power amplifiers—an efficient way to amplify signals with plenty of volume, minimal weight, and low energy use.
Consider the Roland Jazz Chorus, a hugely popular amp in jazz circles. Why? Because of its clean power and impressive headroom! The JC-120, for instance, is a 120-watt clean amplifier, delivering incredible volume and pristine tones. To get the same amount of volume and headroom from a tube amp, you’d need much higher wattage, which would also make it significantly heavier.
And that wraps up our list of reasons why you might prefer digital over tube amps! Don’t worry—we’re not biased. We’ll also be publishing an article soon on why tube amps might be the better choice.
What about you? Do you use tube or digital amps, and why? Let us know over on our Instagram—we’d love to hear your reasons!
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