10 Questions with Sophie Burrell – Interview and Chat

While I was at the Birmingham guitar show, I got the chance to meet Sophie Burrell and ask if she would be up for an interview. She kindly agreed! So we thought it would be a great way to start our new blog series called “10 Questions with”. We plan to ask 10 questions to various people in the Guitar and music industry, get them to share their knowledge and have a bit of fun with it.
As we said, today is all about Sophie Burrell. Sophie is a YouTube/Social Influencer Guitar player amassing almost 500 thousand followers on her Instagram. She is a Phenomenal guitarist with a crazy amount of skill. Sophie also runs a guitar course where she teaches you everything from meeting your guitar all the way to music theory and ear training. A really helpful and useful course.
We sent Sophie 10 questions covering all aspects of her music playing and her YouTube side of things. Which she kindly answered. SO why don’t we dive into this article and find out a bit about her then!
Sophie Burrell Interview
Q: When did you first pick up a guitar and what got you into playing?
So I initially showed interest in guitar when some friends were staying with my family & brought The School Of Rock with them to watch, I was 5 at this point. Needless to say, I got to the end of that movie and had decided that I wanted to be a guitarist haha. I didn’t actually pick up a guitar until I was 8/9, but School Of Rock was definitely the reason for it!
Q:What made you start a Youtube Channel and take that direction?
I’ve been posting videos on social media since I was about 14, just for fun to begin with. As the years went by and I discovered lots of other cool “musical/guitar” channels, I decided that I wanted to take it a little more seriously and learn about video editing to help me produce videos. But yeah, I guess it was just watching other people do it and slowly building an audience of my own that made me want to explore it a little more!
Q: How would you describe doing YouTube as a job? What challenges does it come with?
For the most part, it’s great! I absolutely love being my own boss and deciding when/how I do things. That being said, there are definitely challenges. I don’t think people understand how much time things take when you do everything on your own. I plan, film and edit all of my own videos. Something you might think takes a day at most actually takes 4-5 days haha. That’s probably the hardest part of it!
Q: What are the plans for the channel in the future?
I’m not sure, to be honest! I’m still finding myself with it all, just see where it takes me I guess 🙂
My dream is to be a successful songwriter and touring musician, but “doing” YouTube definitely helps with working towards that goal because it’s audience based!
Q: What is something people always overlook when learning the guitar?
Hahaha, hmmm, probably the amount of patience you need. Last month I tried playing the guitar left-handed for a YouTube video and oh my gooooooodnessss I’d forgotten how difficult it was being a beginner. It takes so much patience and dedication to play the guitar!

Q: What is your Guitar controversial opinion?
I’m not really sure I have any proper controversial opinions haha, fanned frets aren’t that good maybe?!
Q: Favourite piece of Gear so far?
My PRS Custom 24 Wood Library, any day!
Q: Any Guitar/Gear you regret selling?
I regret letting go of my first electric guitar, luckily I sold it to a friend and I think he still has it, I’ll buy it back off him at some point!
Q: What is a song that everyone should learn? And Why?
Anything by Polyphia, it makes you think and look at guitar in a completely different way.
Q: What is your current Recording Rig? How do you record videos currently?
I mainly use plugins to be honest, just for the sake of ease, it’s all right there and I can get a decent tone fast! Some of my favourite plugins are Neural DSP Cory Wong, Plini & Tim Henson, AmpliTube 5, STL Tones & Bias FX 2
I want to thank Sophie Burrell for answering the questions, hope you enjoyed this interview, we have a few more of them lined up. If you can think of anyone you want to see answer our 10 questions then please let me know over on our Instagram.
If you want to find out more about Sophie Burrell you can head over to her Instagram or her website below. You can also find links to her course and Merch there.
Sophie Burrell Links:
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