Introduction I love guitar picks, so much so that I am starting to amass a collection. So much variety to chose from, so many shapes and thicknesses with each one serving a purpose. However, I have been more drawn to the Boutique and custom made Pick manufacturers recently. I was
Headrush Gigboard Walkthrough – How I have mine Set up!
Headrush Gigboard Walkthrough – How I have mine Set up! Introduction I recently put out our full review of the Headrush Gigboard. I have had a few emails asking if I could go through how I set up our Headrush Patch and how I go about building a patch. So
Custom Guitar Cables – Why you SHOULD get custom cables made?
Custom Guitar Cables – Why you SHOULD get custom cables made? Introduction When it comes to guitar gear, nothing gets overlooked more than the guitar cable. A simple piece of gear that everyone has and uses, however, are they all the same? I recently went to the British boutique Guitar
Joining a Band – 9 things to expect in your first band
Joining a Band – 9 things to expect in your first band! Introduction So you have been playing the guitar for a bit now and you join your first band. This is great news! Playing with other people in a band is so much fun and everyone who plays an
British Boutique Guitar Festival: My Experience of the Weekend!
British Boutique Guitar Festival: My Experience of the Weekend! Introduction Last weekend I went to the British Boutique Guitar Festival, hosted by the lovely Mike from CGS. The show was a display of British builders of guitars, amps and pedals and everything in between. I hung around and spoke to
5 Tips to Improve your Guitar playing (or any instrument)
5 Tips to Improve your Guitar playing (or any instrument) Introduction Today we have 5 Tips to Improve your Guitar playing, Everyones wants to get better at guitar (or any instrument in fact) however, getting better comes with practice and some people (including myself) can struggle with practising, well, more
Hughes and Kettner Spirit of Vintage Review – Our full opinion on the little amp!
Hughes and Kettner Spirit of Vintage Review – Our full opinion on the little amp! Introduction By now I think everyone has heard of Hughes and Kettner. Fantastic amp manufacture from Germany. They have created some amazing Amp using new and exciting technology. I decided to purchase one of their
Orange Micro Terror – Part 1: Improve the Headphone and how to record with it!
Orange Micro Terror – Part 1: Improve the Headphone and how to record with it! Introduction The Orange Micro Terror is a cracking amp, It is affordable, pack the Orange tone and is light weight and portable. However, it does have a few draw back. In this part 1 of
Headrush Gigboard Review – Our full review after real world use!
Headrush Gigboard Review – Our full review after real world use! Introduction Last year I posted that I started using the Headrush Gigboard multi-effects unit and amp simulator. Well, I have had it for a while now, used it at home and also at band practise, and have become fairly
6 Useful and FREE Tools for Guitar players
6 Useful and FREE Tools for Guitar players Introduction Learning guitar is not only a long process but it can also be a expensive one, aside from gear there are loads of other prices that seem to creep up to ramp up the price of learning guitar. So we thought