Introduction We have another incredible pedal from JSA Pedals—the JSA Harmonic Trem! This hand-built harmonic tremolo is an absolute gem. As you might have guessed, I’ve been diving deep into tremolo effects lately, especially harmonic tremolo. We also love working with JSA Pedals, so when I found out they had
JSA Nightingale Overdrive Review – The Best BLUES Pedals!
Introduction Yes, it’s time for another review of an amazing pedal from JSA Pedals! This time, we’re taking a closer look at their Nightingale pedal. The Nightingale is JSA Pedals’ unique take on the classic Blues Breaker circuit, featuring their own custom tweaks and modifications. This pedal combines JSA’s favorite
Behringer Centaur Overdrive Pedal Review – Could this be the BEST affordable Klon?
Introduction The Klon pedal has a unique way of always staying relevant, and Behringer might have just given it another boost! Introducing the Behringer Centaur Overdrive Pedal: an affordable Klon clone crafted by the masters of replication themselves. This time, Behringer takes a step up from their typical £20 plastic-housed
Vintage Guitars VSA500 Review – This could be the best 335 that isn’t a Gibson!
Introduction I think we can all agree that 335-style and semi-hollow guitars are simply incredible! They’re fun to play, always sound fantastic, and look stunning. However, due to their design, materials, and manufacturing processes, they tend to be quite expensive. And even if you manage to find an affordable option,
Boss IR-2 Review – It’s Better than both an amp AND Modellers!
Introduction We haven’t all got the luxury of being able to cart around massive 4X12’s or even a 1X12 combo. Sometimes the need is for a rig that is super small and super effective. This pedal might just be the answer! The Boss IR-2! A amp and cabinet simulator pedal
Top 5 Pedalboard Mistakes – What do people get wrong?
Introduction Building a pedalboard is incredibly fun! You get to assemble all the pieces and customize it to make it truly your own. However, there are a few common mistakes I often see beginners make. So, I’ve put together a quick guide of our top 5 pedalboard mistakes and show
Why I hate guitar gear that requires software! – I don’t want anymore apps!
Introduction Time for another rant post! (If you haven’t seen our last one, you can check it out here.) We’ve got something else bugging us, so we thought it was time for another rant article! This time, it’s about something I’m seeing more and more: guitar gear that requires software
Who needs a Modeller! – Want a lightweight rig? Have we got the solution!
Introduction I have played and gigged using tube amps, digital amps, modellers, and even a hybrid of each! My current setup consists of a tube amp, a handful of pedals, and a load box with a cab sim to run directly into the front of house, which I use with
I am starting to HATE Bluetooth Products! – Quickest way to waste money!
Introduction It’s time for a rant! I am a big fan of music and music gear, and I’ve been noticing a trend that has now crossed over into the guitar scene. At first, it didn’t bother me, but now it infuriates me more than it probably should! I’m talking about
The Gibson Les Paul Studio Thoughts: The New release is ALMOST perfect,
Introduction As you all may or may not have seen, Gibson has released a new Les Paul Studio! I’ve always been a big fan of the Les Paul Studio—a stripped-down, simple guitar bearing the iconic Gibson logo. It offered an affordable price while still being a professional and gig-worthy axe.